Category Archives: Gratefulness

Look for what is going right…

I’m gratfeul that my mum can carry me around…

Do you ever find yourself obsessing about what is wrong in your life?

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Gratefulness in trying times………


For those of you who dont know, this little happy as a pig blog comes to you from Australia. Continue reading

Top tips for happiness

Pig helping lamb

I stay happy as a pig in mud by being kind to my little buddies.

Want to be happier?……….. four top tips to improve your happiness……………..

In all of my years of researching and learning about happiness, I have come to four top tips to practice on a daily basis that can really shift and improve your happiness levels. Continue reading

Change ‘have to’ with “get to”

praying otter

I’m grateful that I have the cutest animal hands in the world!

Are you a little guilty of being ungrateful or complaining a bit? Continue reading

Please sir, I want some more……….

Please can I have some milk?

Please can I have more?

It goes without saying that we all want to lead a happier life.What are you actively doing to achieve this? What do you want more of in your life to bring you greater joy? Continue reading

Gratitude makes you happier!

happy little piggy

I’m so grateful that I cant stop smiling!

It is very hard to be cranky when you are being grateful.

I know some days looking for things to be grateful about is harder than others but as long as you are alive, there are always many things to be grateful for. Continue reading

Gratitude…..turns lack into enough!

We are grateful for our baby!

We are grateful for our baby!

 “Gratitude turns what we have into enough”. 

Do you realise that when you live each day grateful for what it brings, that you magically lose that sense of lacking? When you are grateful for what you actually have, somehow what you have can be enough. Continue reading

Are you living your life to the fullest?

I am grateful for every moment with my family!

I am grateful for every moment with my family!

How often are we told how important it is to be grateful, to be happy and to live like there is no tomorrow? How often do we really listen to this sage advice and do we truly live by it? All too often we get sucked up by life, work, chores and the like when really we need to slap ourselves across the face and remember that life can be short. Continue reading

Gratitude…………….. one site fits all!

I am grateful to be alive!

I am grateful to be alive!

Well it has been forever since my last post. Life has been a little busy lately.
Over the years I have come to learn that when life gets hectic that it is really important to have a few key coping mechanisms to help get you through. As we age, most of us get more resilient, we learn better ways to cope, we have learnt what works best for us and more importantly, what to steer clear of. I know for myself I have a couple of key coping mechanisms that always help. One is to talk; sharing the load to a trusted friend, partner or family member always helps. Another is to be grateful. Studies have shown that those people in this crazy world who are the happiest are those who are the most grateful. Why is this so?

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How grateful are you?

I am grateful for my mummy, gum leaves and tall trees that keep me safe.

I am grateful for my mummy, gum leaves and tall trees that keep me safe.

Did you know that studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between your happiness and how grateful you are? Here is a thought for you to ponder …….What if you woke up today with only the things that you were actually grateful for yesterday?………. Continue reading